Discussing Progress

A group discussion is a planned conversation between three to 10 people on a selected topic, with a trained discussion leader. The purpose is to express opinions and gain information on the topic and learn from the other group participants.
Group discussion is an effective way to
·        Share ideas and broaden view points
·        Stimulate interest in problems
·        Help participants express their ideas
·        Identify and explore a problem
·        Create an informal atmosphere
·        Get opinions from persons who hesitate to speak.

Preparing for a Discussion
Preparation is important to the success of any event. A discussion is no different. The following things encourage a good discussion to happen:
·        The preferred seating arrangement is a circle, semicircle, U,or hollow square. All these formations allow everyone in the group to see one another.
·        Make the room as comfortable as possible. Check the ventilation and lighting.
·        Have paper and pencil ready to record main points.
·        Start and end the discussion on time.
·        Encourage informality and good humor. Permit friendly disagreement on the point under discussion, not among personalities.
Guidelines for a Discussion
If you participate in a discussion, the following guidelines will help you contribute effectively to the group:
·        Be an active part of the group.
·        Work to solve common problems.
·        Discuss completely, but do not argue.
·        Contribute ideas related to the subject of the discussion.
·        Ask questions to clarify ideas.
·        Be clear and brief.
·        Listen and learn.
·        Write down good ideas.
Leading a Discussion
If you lead a group discussion, the following guidelines will help you distinguish your role as the leader versus a participant:
·        Help the group feel at ease. See that everyone knows everybody else.
·        Give everyone a chance to talk. Let the person talking remain seated. More people will participate, and those talking will feel more at ease.
·        Don’t allow anyone to monopolize the discussion. Interrupt the “speech maker” tactfully, and lead the discussion to another person.
·        Call on individuals who seem ready to talk rather than going around the circle.
·        Direct rather than dominate the discussion by easing your self into the background when the group gets into the swing of it.
·        Be sure the discussion is of interest to all the participants.
·        Keep the discussion on track. If it gets sidetracked, bring it back to the main subject by suggesting more important points that need to be covered in the time allotted.
·        If you feel that some important point is being neglected, mention it.
·        Summarize periodically. Stop occasionally to review the points that have been made.
·        Stick to the time limit. If there isn’t time to cover the subject sufficiently, mention this in your evaluation, and take action to correct this before the next group discussion.
·        Keep spirits high. Encourage ease and informality. Let everyone have a good time. Don’t let the discussion drag or become boring.
·        Quickly summarize the conclusions in such a way that everyone will realize the important facts brought out in the discussion.
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